High Performance Coaching – Helping high achievers become high performers.   

For many successful business owners, professionals and executives, they are sticking their head up for air and realising the cost of over-indexing in their work/career. Despite the impressive wealth portfolio, the full trophy cabinet or the abundant lifestyle, they are yearning for more. This heavy quest to achieve in 1-2 areas of their life (usually business & career), has left them feeling a little empty with their relationships, physical & mental health and their social circumstances. They want more balance and meaning BUT they don’t know where to start nor how to make it sustainable. Without the right support, and guidance they struggle to get the headspace, knowledge and capability to ensure they are playing the game of life with the sort of fulfilment they want and know is achievable. The Corporate Athlete is our individualised High Performance Coaching philosophy that helps these naturally energetic and motivated people to re-shape their awareness, habits and processes so that, similar to the most successful athletes, they become high performers in life (not just high achievers on the one playing field). With the skills and ability to manage the delicate balance life requires.




How it works

Josh partners with a small number of target clients and coaches them through a High-Performance framework with 4 pillars. Purposefit, Mindfit, Bodyfit and Gamefit. Each pillar has the tools, processes and unique IP that helps develop the skills for sustained life success.  

A key part of the partnership is the capacity for clients to tap into Josh’s unique background as a business owner and as an expert in High Performance Sports. Having someone to connect with who has successfully navigated the same journey provides great value. 

More about What I Do

Josh Meyer

High Performance Leader

Experienced healthcare professional & consultant. Creating & nurturing High Performance and flow in all parts of your life.

Coach and High-Performance Consultant who partners with Professionals, Business Owners &  Executives who have experienced success in their business & career who are seeking more, balance, energy & fulfilment in other areas of their life. Usually, the business and career success they have experienced has come at a cost and they are burning for more fulfilment in other areas of their life. 

I have merged my passion and professional history within High Performance in the sporting arena to coach and guide the above people to a life experience they never thought possible. My clients are geared mentally to ‘achieve’ and often find this in their careers or in the sports arena as highly competitive athletes. Unfortunately, this desire to achieve often clouds their ability to be balanced and harmonious in their approach to life. They experience this as a toll on their relationships, health & well-being, energy and overall fulfilment.

I leverage real world experience, powerful frameworks and unique tools to move my clients forward towards their redefined picture of success in all parts of their life. I tap into the natural motivation my clients have but re-shape their awareness, habits and processes so that they become high-performers in life (not just career or sport high achievers) with the skills and ability to manage the delicate balance life requires.

If this sounds like something that might help….Reach out to Josh at josh@purposeandflow.com.au